Huizhou Voids Team Wins First Prize in China Lean Contest
The Lean event was represented by participants and experts from the automotive, electronics, medical and other manufacturing industries throughout China. The journey to the prestigious December event was not easy, but the Isola Huizhou team found the way by winning the top prize from the…
How Do Material Qualities Differ for HSD Versus mmWave Circuits?
Growing use of millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies for applications such as automotive radars, Fifth Generation (5G) wireless networks, and satellite communications (satcom) mandates careful selection of printed-circuit-board (PCB) materials specially formulated to transmit signals at frequencies to 70 GHz and higher. At the same time, digital…
When multiple resins systems are used, a hybrid notification will appear. Checking the shield or mask check box will add surface finish and soldermask to the outer layers. Units in mils, mm and µm can be selected. The Zoom function will compress the stack up…