PCB material

Isola Changing With the Times
Changing market conditions require changes in approach. I-Connect007’s Barry Matties and Nolan Johnson speak with Isola’s Travis Kelly, Sean Mirshafiei, and Kirk Thompson about Isola’s recent responses to market conditions. In this interview, Kelly, Mirshafiei and Thompson outline recent changes to Isola senior leadership, optimizing manufacturing to meet the needs…

Isola’s Halogen-Free Materials Highlight PCB Production at IPC APEX EXPO 2023
Isola Group, one of the world’s leading developers and suppliers of copper-clad laminates and prepreg materials for printed circuit boards (PCBs), will be inviting visitors to the 2023 IPC APEX EXPO to learn more about its low-loss circuit materials. Isola’s material experts will offer guidance on its latest…

How Do Material Qualities Differ for HSD Versus mmWave Circuits?
Growing use of millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies for applications such as automotive radars, Fifth Generation (5G) wireless networks, and satellite communications (satcom) mandates careful selection of printed-circuit-board (PCB) materials specially formulated to transmit signals at frequencies to 70 GHz and higher. At the same time, digital signals are moving at higher…

Why So Many Circuit Materials?
Printed electronic circuits are part of everything we do, in growing numbers of electronic devices for computing, communications, transportation and many other functions. Those circuits, once so simple, now embrace many technologies, including analog, digital, DC power, and RF/microwave signal paths. To design printed circuit boards (PCBs) for those…

Isola Lays Foundations for Faster Circuits at DesignCon 2022
Isola Group will be exhibiting at the upcoming DesignCon 2022 expo and conference. The event, scheduled for April 5-7, 2022, at the Santa Clara Convention Center (Santa Clara, CA), provides visitors with the chance to learn more about Isola’s reliable, high-performance…

Packing mmWave Circuits into 5G Microcells
Fifth Generation (5G) wireless cellular networks promise performance that will meet every mobile user’s need, including reliable voice service, fast data, and steady video links. But such achievements will not come overnight, and they will call for a 5G network infrastructure with more cell sites than ever, capable of transmitting…

Probing Materials for Millimeter-Wave PCBs
Analog frequencies and digital data rates are increasing steadily in electronic circuits and systems, requiring careful choices of circuit materials for printed circuit boards (PCBs). Cellular communications technologies grew by means of RF and microwave signal frequencies, but Fifth Generation (5G) cellular wireless networks are making use of available bandwidth…

Isola Supports High Speed Digital Circuits at IPC APEX EXPO 2022
Isola Group (www.isola-group.com), a leading global manufacturer of copper-clad laminates and dielectric prepregs for printed circuit boards (PCBs), will be on hand at the IPC APEX EXPO 2022 exhibition with examples of its high-performance circuit materials for high speed digital circuits, including Tachyon® 100G and I-Tera® MT40 materials. The…

A Tour of the New Isola Factory: Investing in America
I recently toured Isola’s new 118,000-squarefoot low-volume, high-mix manufacturing facility in Chandler, Arizona. The facility’s construction began in 2020 and, like many building projects, was delayed because of the COVID19 pandemic. Building a new factory during the pandemic was certainly a challenge but the team persevered and the new greenfield…

Isola to Showcase its PCB Materials for mmWave Circuits at 2021 TPCA Show
Isola Asia Pacific will be showcasing some of its latest materials for printed circuit boards (PCBs) at the Taiwan PCB & Assembly (TPCA) Show, an event that caters to professional users of PCB materials. The TPCA Show has a live exhibition that…